Monday, January 30, 2012

Are American High Schools Really that bad , as in the teen-movies?

I have been blessed to live in different countries as a kid , in Africa Asia and Europe , I went through different educational institutes , but never in The USA.

What I see in the American Movies is kids being so mean to each other , especially the so called 'cool'kids , they are so mean to the 'nerds'and so on....

Whats up with all that , are schools like that in USA?Are American High Schools Really that bad , as in the teen-movies?god thats scary , I was very popular didnt cross my mindAre American High Schools Really that bad , as in the teen-movies?
I don't know.....for I have been home-schooled since 5th grade. I am a teen myself and I really do think that High School's are very bad places to be. I mean granted, you get to make friends, but you also have LOTS of peer pressure. I think that they are worse!

God Bless!!Are American High Schools Really that bad , as in the teen-movies?No.
Don't believe everything you see in a movie.Are American High Schools Really that bad , as in the teen-movies?YES! but no... I too spent lots of time overseas - (UK, France, Spain, Germany, South Africa, and Japan. And for the most part it hits the nail on the head. Others might not see it that way but thats because they probably never stepped foot out of there neighborhood.Are American High Schools Really that bad , as in the teen-movies?
Yes, they are exactly as portrayed in the movies.

(I'm only kidding. The movies are make-believe. The schools are both better and worse than what you see on the screen.)
no they are worse

in the movies there is always a happy endingAre American High Schools Really that bad , as in the teen-movies?
I would like to think it isn't that way all over the USA, but sadly, where I went to high school *South Florida* that's how it seemed to be. The Princesses only talked to the jocks and other Princesses. The nerds got picked on by everyone and so on. I never really had a category myself *I'm kinda a nerd, but my older cousin was one of the most popular guys there, so I was accepted by the "cool" kids by association. But I can proudly say I never looked down or treated anyone else badly.
unfortunatetly yes the cool kids do sometimes make fun of the "nerds" but not to that extreme that the hollywood movies do there are really just people trying to fit in but american schools arent that bad in my opinion i wasnt what you called popular but i did hang out with some people known a lot around the school my friends didnt care about the other people the thing is everyone thinks they are being judged but really people are just worried about themselves
Yep, and the bullies are so well hidden from the teachers that the other kids have to ban together to be able to have their lunch money at lunch.
Yup, its just like that.

It seems that the worse you treat people the "cooler" people think they are. Its sad but true....
Yes they are. The cool kids treat the others like crap. I know because I'm one of those nerds. I mind my own business, I don't talk to anyone, I sit in my dark corners in the library yet people always feel they have to torment me just because I don't socialize, I don't wear make-up, I don't follow their fashion trends, I don't join their clubs or sports, I don't listen to their music, I'm proud of my glasses and braces. Most of my friends are nerds too, and they have been tormented too. I've seen people get teased, ridiculed, mocked, tormented, beaten up, I've seen people stealing from them, getting their books and hiding them just to annoy them, hitting them, spreading rumors about them, writing nasty stuff about them, throwing things at them. It's a really big blow to ones self esteem. Cool kids have always felt the need to mock those beneath them, they always have and they always will. But as for me, I just have to endure one more year of the hell that is high school then I'm free I tell you, FREE!!!!!! *evil laugh* Then I will come back for my 10th year high school reunion and rub my success and money in their snobby, fat faces and laugh, laugh like they laughed at me!!!!.....Ok sorry, I'm getting carried away. The point is that yes high school is hell, just like it's portrayed in the movies.

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