Monday, January 30, 2012

Do British people watch American movies?

I was you guys watch our movies? Cuz I've never heard of a British movie industry, so I'm assuming that you guys do.

And can you guys understand us? Cuz I have a real hard time understanding British accents. This one British dude in my school came from the north of england, liverpool or whatever, and it's really REALLY hard to understand him. But he can understand us easily.Do British people watch American movies?Yes of course we do.Your CSi's series were popular at one time too.

We do have a film industry but its more well intellecual than the basic hollywood crap. Film4 etc. The Old Eaking studios made 10000's of films.

Accents all over the world sometimes difficult to understand. I am Welsh from the same city as Catherine Zeta Jones an we can be difficult to understand. But I would hate to live without accents.

So you do need to travel a bit more.Do British people watch American movies?
Britain certainly does have a film industry which produces some fantastic films. The main difference between British films and American ones is that nothing gets blown up, no cars get destroyed and no one gets murdered.

But yes, we do also watch American films and yes, we do try to understand you. It isn't easy, but we manage.

I can't remember who it was who said that Britain and America are two countries divided by the same language.Do British people watch American movies?Yes we do have a British Film Industry, it is not as large as it was gong back to the Fifties and Sixties, when it was famous for producing the Hammer Horror Films, Ealing Comedies, and Carry on Films, but it produces some very avant garde cinema, and is still very successful.

As for Hollywood films, these dominate, and the 'Blockbusters' you have are the same ones here, we also show large numbers of your TV shows on our satellite channels, Heroes is something of a hit here, although personally I just think it is a pooimitationon of the X-men, 24, and many more, the Simpsons, South Parandmd Family Guy are all shown, as is Jerry Springer!

Therefore it makes life easy when it comes to us understanding your accents, we hear them every day.

As for some English accents, we can have problems at times, Liverpool(Scouse) is actually one of the easier ones, Newcastle-upon-tyne has Geordie, and that is almost another language, some of the Yorkshire and Durham dialects can be very strange, and the more rural West Country, Welsh, Irish and Scottish ones can be almost impossible, as for a broad Glasgow one, it has the capacity to scare the living daylights out of you.

Some of the really good ones are unfortunately dying out, the real old Essex accent has all but gone.

Here is a link to the British Library sites, find the Byker one, North East of England, just over half way up on the right hand side on the map, you just click on the little man symbol and you can then listen to the accent, often interviewer first then the regional voice.鈥?/a>
Yes my dear us Brits do indeed watch American movies, as to why you can't understand some British accents I'm not surprised really. Liverpool has a very strong accent, as does certain parts of Yorkshire. I myself am Scottish and used to have a very broad accent too, but after many years of living in different countries it has toned down somewhat, but I have no intentions of ever losing my Scottish accent, because we kick A*rse and I'm very proud of where I come from.Do British people watch American movies?America is one of the biggest countries with an enormous film industry.

Basically at nearly every cinema in the UK you will find lots of American movies. The british film industry isn't very big but still makes good films but it as to rely on FOX for money distribution.

Oh and the guy you can't understand is an He will have had a very strong accent (even I can't understand sometimes).

We are not on a different world so yes we do watch your films %26lt;3 Dark KnightDo British people watch American movies?

Yes we do watch your films, they have invaded our culture due to the fact that the studios in America sell them cheap around the world as a secondary revenue stream and of course also as a way of soft invasion (these films effectively export the American world view). It is much the same with McDonald's and Coca Cola etc. It should not be forgotten that ever since the demise of the Bretten Woods agreement which ended the gold standard that the US Dollar has been the trade rate base for oil etc ( this does give the American economy an unfair advantage) (this situation is less so now due to the weak state of the American currency). We do have our own film industry which does make many films a year, we also provide the special effects for many films worldwide including CGI for many American films.
yes we do. but we have a hard time understanding words like cuz, ain't got nothing, means you've got something ( double negative. Phonetically = , nooz, sherruff, stoodent, missal, symultaneous. add ress, accidaint, payriss. Made up words like burglarised, snuck. all words ending in our changed to or. All words ending in ight changed to ite ie nite. Tyre changed to tire. You say things like we have no instead of we haven't any. You don't use the negatives of verbs ie can, can't, do, don't ,is, isn't ,will. won't with, without. you say with no Then you wonder why you P i s s us off.

It's the Americans who have the accent we are English, it is our languageDo British people watch American movies?
We watch your films, and you speak our language (English originally) The Liverpool guy has a dialect, a local twang to his area. There are many dialects in UK and USA. It sounds like you've never heard anyone outside USA talking.

Films, have you never heard of James Bond, or Silence of the Lambs, with Jodie Foster (USA) and Sir Anthony Hopkins (UK). Watch it and see if one is talking a foreign language? I'm confused by your question to be honest, you need to meet more people. Best wishes.
Of course.

American Hollywood movies and TV shows are exported all around the World. The British movie industry is low budget but there have been a lot of movies from the UK shown in the USA: Trainspotting, Snatch, The Real Monty, The English Patient, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels..

and then there's all the Hollywood movies featuring British Actors: Lord Of The Rings, Star Wars (the prequels), Harry Potter, 300, Notting Hill.

You've probably seen a few.
Yes the UK make some..........i don't watch many movies but the ones we see over here are the ones you see over there.....many are written and directed by British guys in fact i think 'slumdog millionaire' a British film i have never seen either won a couple of awards.

Maybe you don't get our humour (note the 'u'). But Monty python, life of Brian, 4 weddings and a funeral, Brigit Jones Diary....fed up now.....oh lets not forget James Bond...etc etc etc!

Sorry i have to keep going....we also watch other films other than British and US, Austrian (Murials Wedding), many many films from 'Bollywood'.........and these ones are realistic without that sickly emotional thing you guys seem to like in even the funniest of films..


gAAhhaH!! keep an eye on that scally kid from liverpool... they steal your stuff and stab folk! Sorry to hear that they have infected America too.

We do have a very successful film industry in the UK but they aren't big budget and hyped as much.

Nearly all tv programs in the uk are American and yes we watch your films!
Yeah. American movies are the mainstream so everyone watches them. There is a small British film industry and its brilliant. I can understand most American accents.
ye that guy is a scouser they are scum lol im not sure about a british film industry but yeah i like british films and love american movies!
  • tess gerritsen
  • acura tsx
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